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单词 戴月披星

戴月披星披星戴月;带月披星dài yuè pī xīng

under the canopy of the moon and the stars—travel by night; work from before dawn till after dark; go to work before dawn and come home after dark
❍ 马问:“何遽言别?”曰: “~,终非了局。……”(《聊斋志异·毛狐》430) “And why must you be going away like this?”inquired Ma. “Because,” answered she,“for us to meet only by night is not the proper thing…”/且说他三众,在路餐风宿水,带月披星,早又至夏景炎天。(《西游记》266)We turn now to tell you about the three travelers,who dined on the wind and rested by the waters,who clothed themselves with the moon and cloaked themselves with the stars on their journey.Soon it was the scene of summer again.





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更新时间:2025/3/7 11:00:33