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❶ (切断;割断) cut;sever: ~ 成两段 cut in two;
他把甘蔗 ~ 成几节。 He cut the sugarcane into several pieces. 敌人的退路已被 ~ 断。 The enemy's line of retreat was cut off.
❷ (阻拦) stop;check;stem;intercept: 把惊马 ~ 住 stop a bolting horse;~ 流 dam a rive; ~ 球 intercept a pass;
警察在路上 ~ 住交通,以搜查可疑的车辆。 Police intercepted the traffic on the roads to examine vehicles under suspicion. 这封电报将把他 ~ 在巴黎。 The telegram will intercept him at Paris. Ⅱ (段) section;chunk;length: 半 ~ 粉笔 half a piece of chalk;
一 ~ 木头 a section of a log;
他话说了半 ~ 儿,又缩回去了。 He broke off half way and said no more. 安得倚天抽宝剑,把汝裁为三 ~? Could I but lean against the sky / And draw my sword to cut you into three! Ⅲ (截止) by (a specified time);up to: ~ 至本月底 by the end of this month;~ 至5月20日有近500人看了画展。 Up to the 20th of May about 500 people have visited the art exhibition.
◆截长补短 cut off from the long to support the deficiency of the short;make up a deficiency by the [a] surplus;make up for each other's deficiencies (and learn from each other);
截短 brachytmema;truncation;truncature;dock;
截段 intercept;interception;
截断 cut off;block;truncature;truncation;disconnect;break;shear;truncate;cut short;interrupt;
截获 intercept and capture;
截击 intercept;interception;collision;
截口 section;
截留 hold back;retain for one's own use;
截流 dam a river;closure;
截面 {数} {物} section;cross section;crossover;scarf;scarph;
截然 sharply;completely;entirely;
截然不同 as like as an apple is to an oyster;as like as chalk and cheese;different as black and white;entirely different;no more alike than chalk and cheese;poles apart;
截瘫 {医} paraplegia;
截头 butt;docking;
截枝 lopping;
截枝更新 regeneration by stem-shoots;
截肢 {医} amputation;
截止 end;close;{电} cut-off;abort;blockage;paralysis;closure;bottoming;rejection;stoppage;
截趾适履 cut the toes to fit the shoes — a foolish measure or action;
截至 by (a specified time);up to;as of





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