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单词 成家立业

成家立业chéng jiā lì yè

make a start in life; get married and settle down; get married and start one's career; have one's own family; make a nest; set oneself up
❍ 我扛了二十年的长工,流了二十年血汗,盖上这几间土坯小房,要了这二亩地,算是给你们~,对得起你们了。(梁斌 《红旗潜》 27) Twenty years I worked as a hired hand. Twenty years I shed blood and sweat to build this mud cottage and get these two mou of land to give you a start in life.
❍ 我们试一翻大族的家谱,便知道始迁祖宗,大抵是乐身迁居,~;……(鲁迅《坟》113) If we open the genealogies of great families we see that the founder of the house usually came to a new district alone,then settled down and prospered. /原先,他以为拉车是他最理想的事,由拉车他可以~。现在他暗暗摇头了。(老舍《骆驼样子》85) Whereas before he had believed that pulling a rickshaw was the ideal job for him and that he would be able to set himself up in this way,he now began to have silent doubts.


get married and start one's career

成家立业chénɡ jiā lì yè

指建立家庭,成就自己的事业。get married and start one’s carreer, get married and settle down, make a nest, marry and embark on a career, set oneself up





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