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单词 成千累万

成千累万成千上万;成千成万chéng qiān lěi wàn

hundreds and (/of) thousands of; in one's millions; a legion of; millions of; thousands and tens of thousands; thousands upon thousands of
❍ 农村中须有一个大的革命热潮,才能鼓动成千成万的群众,形成一个大的力量。(《毛泽东选集》 17) The rural areas need a mighty revolutionary upsurge,for it alone can rouse the people in their millions to become a powerful force.
❍ 成千上万的人民解放军,在紧张地运动。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》 439) Tens of thousands of PLA troops were in rapid motion.
❍ 可是老杨,技术人员还是要就地取材,就地培养,我们要有成千上万的中国专家。(夏衍《考验》60) But Yang,we still have to get our technical staff where we can find them,and when we haven't got them,we have to bring them on,for we need thousands and thousands of Chinese experts.
❍ 杀一个刘复基,还有成千成万的刘复基。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—249) One Liu Fuji dies,but thousands more Liu Fuji live on; …/现在不是有成千成万的人在那里决死战斗吗?(方志敏《可爱的中国》35) Aren't there thousan supon thousands of people fighting in a life-and-death struggle?

成千累万chénɡ qiān lěi wàn

义同“成千成万”。same as“成千成万”。





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