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单词 over
over/′ə ʊvə(r), AmE ′oʊ-/ adv & prep

adv (1)倒下(downwards;from an upright position):fall/tumble/topple~跌倒/跌倒/倾覆;knock sb/sth~把某人或某物打(撞)倒;
 (2)从一边到另一边(from one side to another side):turn the page~翻过这一页;The boat rolled right~and sank.那只船倾覆之后沉没了。The nurse turned the old man~on to his front and gave him an injection in the left buttock. 护士给那老人翻身让他俯卧,在他的左臀部注射了一针。He leaned the airplane~onto its back.他驾驶着飞机翻转,背朝下地飞行。
 (3)穿(横)过(across):He came~and spoke to us.他走过来跟我们谈话。We went/rowed~to the island in a small boat.我们乘/划一只小船到那岛上去。Take/Put this~there.把这个带/放到那边去。ask sb~请某人过来;
 (4)再,又(again)(尤AmE):This work will have to be done~.这活儿得返工。He then told/repeated the story~again.于是他把故事又讲了/重复一遍。
 (5)剩余,余下(remaining):Twelve will go once in fourteen,and leave two~.14除以12得1余2。There are twelve here,and we need four,so we have eight~.这里有12个,我们需要4个,因而可剩下8个。We've sold 48 balls and we have 2 left~.我们已经卖出48个球,还剩两个。
 (6)加上;……多(in addition;more):two hours or~:两个小时或多一点;two metres and (a little)~两米多(一点);This story book is for boys and girls of ten and~.这本故事书是供10岁和10岁以上儿童阅读的。
 (7)结束,完结(finished):His astonishment was a little~.他的惊讶消失了一点。Your troubles/relationship will soon pass~.你的苦脑/你们的关系将很快结束。Do get it~quickly.一定要赶快把它完结。
 (8)(表示)转移或更换(used to express transfer or change from one persongroupplace etc to another):go~to the enemy 变节投敌;He willed/signed the house~to his son.他在遗嘱中言明/签字把房子转给他儿子。She handed~the letter to her sister.她将信交给她的妹妹。
 (9)全部覆(遮)盖(so as to cover (sb/sth) entirely):That street has been asphalted~.那条大街已铺上了沥青路面。Those wounds will soon heal~.那些伤口会很快愈合。The river froze~.这条河全结冰了。Cover her~with a sheet.用床单把她盖起来。paint sth~in red把某物漆成红色;
 over against 与某事物对比(fml):set truth~against falsehood 使真理和谬误成鲜明对照;
 over and over (again) 一再,反复多次: The children sang the song~and~again.孩子们反复地唱这首歌。
 prep(1)覆(盖)于……之上(on the surface of and partly or completely covering (sb/sth)):spread a blanket/cloth~the bed/the table. 把毯子/台布铺在床/桌上; He wore galoshes~his shoes.他在鞋外面穿着套靴。He came in with his hat pulled down~his eyes.他走进来,帽子戴得很低,几乎遮住了眼睛。
 (2)在或向……的上方(但不接触)(in or to a position above the top of (sb/sth)):It's hard to cook~a campfire.在篝火上烧饭不是件容易事。A big cliff hung~us.巨大的峭壁悬在我们上方。The upper story projects~the street. 楼房的上一层突出在街道上方。
 (3)横越(from one side to the other;across):The storm went~us.暴风从我们头上掠过。Luckily all the stones passed~our heads.幸而石块都越过我们的头顶,落到那边去了。He escaped~the frontier.他越过边境逃走了。
 (4)在……远端或对面(on the far or opposite side of):at a wedding~the herring pond 在北大西洋彼岸举行的婚礼上;our neighbours~the way/the road 我们那些住在路对面的邻居;Her house is~that river/that street.她的家在河/街的那边。The sun disappeared~the horizon.太阳消失在地平线那边。
 (5)越过……(到另一边)(so as to cross(sth)and be on the other side):jump~a ditch/a stream 跳过一条沟/溪;climb~a wall/a mountain 爬过一堵墙/座山;walk~a bridge过桥;He spoke to her~his shoulder.他转过头来跟她说话。
 (6)遍布……;在……的处((foundthrownetc) aross (an area))(尤与all连用):The rumour is all~Washington.这一谣言传遍了华盛顿。The broken bottles lay all~the floor.地板上到处都是碎瓶子。They traveled all~the country/world.他们周游全国/世界。
 (7)多于,超过(时间、数量、价格等)(more than(a specified timeamountcostetc)):It takes~an hour to drive there.开车到那里需要一个多小时。O~a thousand people were present.出席的有1000多人。His new car has cost him a little~$10,000.他的新车花费了他一万多美元。
 (8)(表示控制、掌握、权威、优越等)(used to express controlcommandauthoritysuperiorityetc):This court has no jurisdiction~the property in America.本法院对在美国的财产无裁判权。He reigns~a great empire.他统治一个大帝国。I am not in charge of the department,I have two people~me.我不是这个部门的主管人,我还有两位上司。They don't appear to have got~their disappointment.看来他们还没有克服失望的心情。
 (9)在……期间,贯穿于……期间,直到……过后(during;throughout(a period)):The war extended~30 years.那场战争持续了30多年。They stationed in an isolated post~winter.他们在一个孤零零的哨所里驻守了整整一个冬天。They invited us to stay~Sunday.他们请我们过了星期日再走。He had flu~Christmas.他在圣诞节期间患了流感。fall asleep~a book/one's work 看着书/干着活睡着了;They discussed a matter~dinner.他们一边吃饭一边讨论问题。
 (10)因为;关于(because of or concerning(sth)):quarrel/fight/argue~sth 为(某事)而争论/斗争/辩论;brood~one's trouble 因烦恼事而心情沮丧;an argument~methods 关于方法问题的争论;rights~the canal 有关该运河的各种权利;
 (11)通过……传送(transmitted by(sth)):hear one another~the air 彼此用无线电通讯;speak to sb~the telephone 用电话和某人讲话;I heard it~the radio.我从无线电广播中听到这消息。give several recitals~the network 通过广播网举行了几场演奏会;
 over and above 此(另)外:He earns a large amount~and above his salary.他除了薪金之外,还有很大一笔收入。
 【辨异】1)over onabove beyond的区别见ABOVE;2)overacrossthrough的区别见ACROSS。





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