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❶ (玩耍; 游戏) play; sport: 二龙 ~ 珠 two dragons playing with a pearl; 嬉 ~ sport; have fun
❷ (开玩笑; 嘲弄) make fun of; joke: ~言 say sth. for fun; joke Ⅱ ❶ (戏剧; 杂技) drama; play; show: 京 ~ Beijing opera; 马 ~ circus show [performance]; 演 ~ put on play; act in a play; playacting; 去看 ~ go to the theatre; 好 ~ 还在后头呢。 The really interesting part of the show is yet to come. 这场 ~ 演得很精彩。 It was a wonderful performance. 这出 ~ 两点钟开始演出。 The play begins at 2.
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 志才 Xi Zhicai
另见 see also hū; huī。
◆戏班 theatrical troupe; theatrical company; 戏报 playbill; 戏本(儿) [旧] text for a play or opera; 戏词 actor's part; actor's lines; 戏单 theatrical bill; 戏法 conjuring; juggling; tricks; magic; 戏法人人会变, 各有巧妙不同 Many are the magicians, but each has his own tricks.; Every juggler has his own tricks.; 戏剧 drama; play; theatre; script; play; scenario; 戏剧化 dramatize; theatricalize; 戏剧性人格 histrionic personality; 戏考 collections of (Chinese traditional) opera; 戏迷 theatre fan; theatre goer; 戏目 theatrical programme; 戏弄 make fun of; play tricks on; poke fun at; dupe; hoodwink; tease; kid; 戏票 opera [play] ticket; 戏曲 traditional (Chinese) opera; singing parts in chuanqi and Zaju; 戏耍 make fun of; play tricks on; tease; 戏台 [口] stage; 戏文 a classical local opera of Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province; actor's lines; 戏谑 banter; crack jokes; 戏言 casual remark; joke; 戏阳 a surname; 戏衣 stage costume; 戏园子 [旧] theatre; 戏院 theatre; 戏照 a photo of a person in stage costume; 戏中有戏 There are shows within the show.; 戏装 theatrical costume; stage costume; 戏子 [旧] actor or actress





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