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单词 慧眼识英雄

慧眼识英雄huì yǎn shí yīng xióng

recognize a great marl before he achieves success; diseemning eyes can tell a genius from medioere people
❍ 当世滔滔,斯人谁与?竟使一介寒儒,怀才不遇,公卿大夫竟无一识我之人,反不若青楼女子,竟有~于未遇时也。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》 231) Where in all the world can such a one be found? The poor Scholar is frustrated,for all his talent. Not one high Official recognizes his worth.Only the singsong girIs sometimes have the intelli gence to recognize a great man beyore h e achieves success.

慧眼识英雄huì yǎn shí yīnɡ xiónɡ

慧眼:泛指敏锐的观察力。形容善于识别人才。Discerning eyes can tell greaters from mediocrity. recognize a great many before he achieves success





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更新时间:2025/1/19 17:06:38