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单词 bid
释义 bid1 /bid; bid/ vt, vi (-dd-) 1 ( pt, pp bid) [VP6A, 14, 2A, 3A] bid (for), (at an auction sale) make an offer of money; offer (a certain price): (在扪汽场所)出价:出(价): Will anyone bid £5 for this a bicycle painting? 有人出五镑买这幅画吗? Mr X bid £20 for the horse so I bid £21. 某先生出二十钟买这匹马,所以我出二 一镑。 Is nobody else going to bid? 再没有别人出价了吗? What shall I bid? 我要出多少价钱施? hoped to get the house but a rich man was bidding against me, offering higher prices. 我本来想买那栋房子,可是一个有钱人出了更高的价。 → outbid. The politicians are bidding for popular support, making offers, eg of tax reductions, in order to get support from the public. 那些政蕾竞相发表动人的诺言(如减税),以争取民众的支持。 b, up, [VP15B] make the price higher by offering more money: 喊出高价借以提高价格; 哄抬…之价格: The goods were bid up far beyond their real value. 这些货物的价格被哄高得远超出它 ffl 的实在价值。 2 (pt,pp bid) [VP3A] bid for, (colloq) attempt to attain: (俗)期望达到; 寻求: The army bid for power and succeeded. 陆军希望增强实力并且如愿以偿。 3 (pt,pp bid) [VP2A, 3A] bid on, (US) state a price (for doing sth); put in a tender for: (W提出价格(承做某事); 投标: The firm decided to bid on the new bridge. 该商行决定投标承建这座新桥。 tender1. 4 (old use) (pt bade /baed; baed/, pp bidden /'bidn; 'bidn/, bid) [VP17, 18B] a command; tell: (旧用法)仑令; 吩咐: He bade me (to) come in. 他令我进来。 Do as you are bid. 照你所受到的吩咐做。 Soldiers must do as they are bidden. 军人必须服从命令。 Bid him come in. 叫他进来。 b invite: 邀话: the bidden guests; 所请之客人; bid sb to a wedding. 邀请某人参加婚礼。 c [VP12A, 13A] say (as a greeting, etc): 说(问候的话等): bid farewell(= say goodbye) to sb-, 向某人道别; bid sb good morning. 向某人问候早安。 5 bid fair to, seem likely to: 很有可能: Our plan bids fair to succeed. 我们的计划很着可能会成功。 bid defiance to, (old use) announce that one defies (the enemy, etc). (旧用法)宣布对抗或蔑视(敌人等)。 6 (cards, bridge) make a bid: (牌戏,桥牌戏)叫牌: bid 2 hearts. 叫二红心。 bid,(4). 'biddable adj (colloq) docile; ready to obey. (俗)温顺的; 顺从的; 听话的。 bidding n [U] 1 command. 命令。 do sb's bidding, do what he commands. 服从某人的命令; 照某人所吩咐的做。 2 act of offering a price at an auction sale: (在拍卖场所) 出价: Bidding was brisk, There were many bids, quickly made. 出价很峭(即多而迅速)。 3 (at cards) the making of bids(4). (纸牌戏)叫牌。 bidder n rson who bids. 出价者; 投标人; 叫牌者。




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