慌huānɡⅠ (慌张) flurried;flustered;confused: 惊 ~ 失措 terrified confusion;be frightened out of one's wits; 心 ~ 意乱 mentally confused;be alarmed and nervous; 沉住气,别 ~! Keep calm! Don't panic! Ⅱ (慌乱) be scared;get flustered: ~ 了神儿 be scared;out of one's wits 另见 see also huɑnɡ。 ◆慌不择路 He fled in any path he could without heading which he chose.; 慌慌张张 covered with confusion;all in a fluster [flurry];all in bewilderment;in an abrupt manner;in a flurried manner;a hurry-skurry; 慌了手脚 be thrown into a panic;be alarmed and confused;become panicky;be flustered;be seized [struck] with a panic; 慌里慌张 in a hurried and confused manner — all in a fluster;lose one's head;higgledy-piggledy; 慌乱 hurry and confusion;alarmed and bewildered;flurried; 慌忙 in a great rush;in a flurry;hurriedly;hurried and flustered;hurry-scurry; 慌张 flurried;flustered;confused;trepidation; 慌张步态 {医} festinating gait;festination;propulsion; 慌作一团 be struck all of a heap;crouch with fear;in a flutter;in great excitement
慌huanɡ (用在“得”字后,做补语,表示难以忍受) awfully;unbearably: 饿得 ~ be awfully hungry; 累得 ~ be tired out;be dog-tired;be played out; 心里闷得 ~ be bored beyond endurance 另见 see also huānɡ。 |