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单词 bias
释义 bias /'baias; 'baias/ n 1 leaning of the mind towards or away from sth; predisposition: 偏见; 成见; 偏爱; 倾向; 癖性: He has a ~ towards/against the plan, is in favour of it/opposed to it without having full knowledge of it. 他对此计划有偏爱(有成见)。 He is without ~, is impartial, unprejudiced. 他不偏不倚(公正,无偏见)。 2 cut on the ~, (dress-making, etc) cut across, slantingly. (裁缝等)斜裁。 3 (esp of a ball in the game of bowls) tendency to swerve; the weighting causing this tendency. (X 指滚木球戏中的球)突然转向的趋势; 歪曲的球路; 造成歪曲球路的重力。 vt (pt, pp ~ed or ~sed) [VP6A, 14] → (towards/against). give a ~ to; influence (usu unfairly): 使存偏见; 以偏见影响; 使倾向一方: The government used newspapers and the radio to ~ the opinions of the people. 政府利用报纸及广播左右人民的舆论。 He is ~(s)ed towards/against the plan, is prejudiced. 他对该计画有偏爱(偏见)。 He's clearly(s)ed. 他显然有成见。




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