释义 |
意气用事yì qì yòng shìact on impulse; allow oneself to obey every impulse; be swayed by personal feelings and act rashly; captious; impulsive ❍ 任何消极或莽撞,都对不起死难的同志,因为这样容易~,影响战斗胜利,就不能完成牺牲了的同志所未完成的事业。(知侠《铁道游击队》495) Neither despair nor recklessness will help us avenge the death of our comrades.If we allow ourselves to obey every impulse,that will prevent us from gaining new victories and completing the task which our departed comrades left unfin ished. ❍ 只有这样,才会使人们了解,两党的争论,不是如有些人们所说不过是一些不必要的,不重要的,或甚至是~的争论,而是关系着几万万人民生死问题的原则的争论。(《毛泽东选集》955) Only then will people understand that the dispute between the two parties is not an unnecessary or unimportant or merely captious dispute,as some have alleged,but is one of principle on which the lives of hundreds of millions of people depend. ❍ 至今想来,究竟还是~,并不曾报效得朝廷,倒惹得同官心中不快活,……(《儒林外史》528) Thinking back,I realize I was somewhat too impulsive and achieved nothing for the state,simply offending my colleague. 意气用事act on impulse or whim;be swayed by personal feelings 国与国之间可以有分歧,甚至是原则性分歧,但建立正常国家关系是必要的,~于事无补。Countries may disagree,even over matters of principle. But they should have normal stateto-state relations. Getting emotional won’t work. 意气用事yì qì yònɡ shì意气:指主观、偏激的情绪。凭感情冲动行事。beswayed by personal feelings, act on impulse, be influenced by emotion in handling things |