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Ⅰ ❶ (意思) meaning; idea: 来 ~ one's purpose in coming;
文章大 ~ the general idea of an article; 词不达 ~ 。The words fail to convey the meaning. 我无 ~ 改变我的立场。I have no idea of changing my position.
❷ (心愿; 愿望) wish; desire; intention: 恶 [善] ~ bad [good] intention;
多谢您的好 ~ 。Many thanks for your kind intentions. 很难万事如 ~ 。You can't expect everything to turn out as you wish.
❸ (人或事物流露的情态)suggestion; hint; trace: 颇有秋 ~ make one feel that autumn has set in; 醉 ~ signs or feeling of getting drunk; 春 ~ 盎然。Spring is very much in the air. 颇有雨 ~ 。It looks like rain.
❹ (意大利) short for Italy
❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 而 Yi Er Ⅱ (意料; 料想) anticipate; expect: 不 ~ contrary to expectation; unexpectedly
◆意表 what one does not expect; 意大利 Italy; 意会 sense; understand by insight; 意简言赅 a few simple ideas succinctly expressed; 意见 idea; view; opinion; suggestion; objection; differing opinion; complaint; 意境 artistic conception; prospect; 意料 expect; anticipate; 意念 idea; thought; 意气 will and spirit; disposition; temperament; personal feelings; 意气风发 be in high and vigorous spirits; be full of high spirit(s); be full of pep; be in high feather; daring and energetic; 意气相投 have the same likes and dislikes; attracted to each other; be alike in temperament; be of similar tastes and inclinations; 意气用事 act on impulse [without due consideration]; abandon oneself to emotions; be influenced by sentiment [emotion] in handling things; 意群 {语} sense- group; 意识 be conscious of; be aware of; awake to; realize; {哲} consciousness; mentality; 意识流 stream of consciousness ; 意识形态 {哲} ideology; 意守 {气功} mind concentration; 意思 meaning; idea; opinion; wish; desire; a token of affection, appreciation, gratitude, etc.; look like; seem; interest; fun; 意图 intention; purpose; intent; 意外 unexpected; unforeseen; accident; mishap; 意味 meaning; significance; implication; interest; overtone; flavour; 意味深长 express [speak; tell] volumes; eloquent; full of meaning; great significance; 意味着 signify; mean; imply; purport; 意想 imagine; expect; ideo-; 意向 intention; purpose; 意向书 letter of intent; 意象 image; imagery; {心理} imago (pl. imagoes; imagines); 意兴 interest; enthusiasm; mood to do sth.; 意义 meaning; sense; purport; significance; importance; 意译 free translation; paraphrase; 意愿 wish; desire; aspiration; 意旨 intention; wish; will; 意志 will; 意志薄弱 be infirm of purpose; have a weak will; be weak as water; hypobulia; hypothelesia; 意中人 the person one is in love with; person of one's heart





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