释义 |
愁眉苦脸愁眉苦眼chóu méi kǔ liǎna face of woe; a face shaded with melancholy; a woebegone(/gloomy/distressed/doleful/worried) look (/face/appearance); be down in the mouth; black browed; black-faced; disconsolate; feel extremely downcast; furrows of worry; crease one’s brow;grimace; hang one’s lip; look blue; look rather unhappy; make a wry face (/mouth); misery written on one’s face; morose; one’s face shown sign of grief;pull a long face and look miserable; with a worried expression; with frowns and a sour face ❍ 我看不能再往北边退了,再退下去兵就更难带了。现在已经有不少战士成天~的……(沈西蒙等《南征北战》16) I don’t see how we can retreat any further north. If we do,the men will be difficult to handle. As it is,some of them are down in the mouth. ❍ 过去的神气现在完全变成了~的可怜相。(知侠《铁道游击队》445)His former cheerfulness and selfcomplacency had given way to despondent melancholy. ❍ 郑超人~说:“我也不知怎么的呢,腿也站不起来了。”(杨朔《三千里江山》25)“I don’t know.”Zheng said gloomily,“I can’t stand.”/三天前,他上县里去,中途遇见罗超,发觉罗超~,精神萎靡,…… (王汶石《风雪之夜》56)He had met him once three days before when he was on his way to the county meeting,but then he had found him in low spirits,his countenance overcast with gloom and depression. ❍ 每年冬天都有~的破产庄稼人把卖地的契约,递到郭世富的有着一层硬皮的手里。(柳青《创业史》72) Every winter bankrupt small-holders,misery written on their faces,sold out to him,placing their land deeds into Shifu’s horny hand. ❍ 都鼓了掌,~的,心怀不满的,也拍了手。(周立波《山乡巨变》272)They all clapped,even those with frowns and sour faces,and those who were discontented at heart. 愁眉苦脸having a worried look;pulling a long face 愁眉苦脸look miserable;have a worried look;wear a distressed expression;pull a long face 愁眉苦脸chóu méi kǔ liǎn形容发愁焦急的神态。pull a long face with knitted eyebrows, with a face as long as a fiddle |