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单词 惶惶不可终日

惶惶不可终日皇皇不可终日huáng huáng bù kě zhōng rì

be in a constant state of anxiety; be kept perpetually in a state of tension; be on edge and alarmed all day; be on pins and needles day and night; be on tenterhooks all the time; in a desperate situation; in a state of constant nervousness
❍ 如果我们认识了以上这些矛盾,就知道中国是处在怎样一种皇皇不可终日的局面之下,处在怎样一种混乱状态之下。(《毛泽东选集》98) Once we understand all these con tradictions,we shall see in what a desperate situation,in what a chaotic state,China finds herself.

惶惶不可终日huang huang bu ke zhong ri

be in a constant state of fear


be on tenterhooks all the time;in a constant state of anxiety

惶惶不可终日huánɡ huánɡ bù kě zhōnɡ rì

惶惶:急噪、窘急、心神不定的样子。慌乱得一天也过不下去。比喻惊恐到了极点。be on tenter hooks, be in a constant state of anxiety, be on edge and alarmed all day





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