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单词 想入非非

想入非非xiǎng rù fēi fēi

allow one’s fancy to run wild; get fantastic thoughts; give full rein to one’s imagination;give wings to one’s ideas; have a maggot in one’s head (/brain); have fantastic ideas;have one’s head full of bees (/in the clouds); indulge in fancy (/reverie/fantasy/wishful thin king); be full of whims
❍ 他想她的心思太空闲了,才去理会那些里巷的琐事,更~地构成可怖的境界来恐吓她自己; 如果让她的心思担一点工作,应该好得多。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》261)He supposed that it was because she had had too little to occupy her mind that she had begun to take notice of this trivial tittle-tattle of the neighbourhood and from that gone on to give full rein to her imagination and conjure up a terrifying picture of things and frighten herself with it; if she had some task to occupy her mind it should do her a lot of good.
❍ 她觉得自己~,不觉脸红起来。(杨沫《青春之歌》244) She flushed when she realized how her thoughts were wandering.

想入非非xiang ru fei fei

indulge in fantasy


indulge in fantasy; entertain a wild hope;have maggots in ones’s head;allow one’s fancy to run wild

想入非非xiǎnɡ rù fēi fēi

佛教用语。指虚幻的境界。现多比喻完全脱离现实生活,也比喻胡思乱想。have a rat in a garret, in the clouds, indulge in fantasy, give loose to fancy, have wild ideas, ask for the moon, aim at the moon





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