惩(懲)chénɡ ❶ (处罚) punish;penalize: 严 ~ 敢于入侵之敌 severely punish any enemy that dares to intrude ❷ [书] (警戒) take or give warning: ~ 前毖后 take warning from the past in order to be more careful in the future ◆惩办 punish;chastise;punishment;chastisement; 惩处 penalize;punish;punishment;administer justice; 惩罚 punish;penalize;punishment; 惩戒 punish sb. to teach him a lesson;discipline sb. as a warning;take disciplinary action against; 惩前毖后 learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones;learn lessons from the past and keep an eye on the future;take a lesson from the past and avoid future mistakes;To be forewarned is to be forearmed.; 惩一儆百 make an example of sb.;execute one man to warn a hundred;make an example of sb. for offence;punish a person as a warning to many others;punish one as a warning to a hundred;punish one to awe a hundred; 惩治 punish;mete out punishment to; 惩治腐败 fight against corruption;fight and punish corruption;combat corruption;crack down on corruption |