惨不忍闻cǎn bù rěn wénbe horrified to learn ❍ 近在西安附近有集中营之设,将西北、中原各省之进步青年七百余人拘系一处,施以精神与肉体之奴役,形同囚犯,~。(《毛泽东选集》682)Concentration camps have recently been set up near Xian,and people have been horrified to learn that more than seven hundred progressive young people from the northwestern and central provinces have already been interned there,subjected to mental and physical bondage and treated like convicts. 惨不忍闻cǎn bù rěn wén悲惨得让人不忍心听下去。be too horrified to hear sth., be horrified to learn |