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单词 惠而不费

惠而不费huì ér bù fèi

a display of generosity without having to pay anything ; a kind act which does not cost mtlch; be beneficent without great expenditare
❍ 季交恕一惊,觉得很突然,不知道这是出自季昌志 “~”的手法。(李六如 《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—311)Jiaoshu was stunned for a brief moment at the sudden suggestion,not realizing it was a deliberate distlay of generosity without haying t o pay anything on the part of Jj Changzhi. /因民之所利而利之,斯不亦~乎?(《论语 ·尧日》) When the person i n authoritv makes more beneficial tp the people the things from which they naturally derive beriefit:- — is not this b eing beneficent without great expenditure?/现在又影一般死掉了,连仇敌也不知道,不肯赠给他们一点~的欢欣。(鲁迅 《野草·死后》 47) And now I had died like a nlitting shadOW. without the knOWledge even of my foes.unwilling to give them a little pleasure which would cost me no thing.

惠而不费hui er bu fei

bestow a favour which would cost very little

惠而不费huì ér bù fèi

惠:给人以好处;费:耗费。把好处给别人,自己又不花费什么。比喻花费不多却得到实利。a kind act which does not cost much, be beneficent without great expenditure, give sb. a pleasure which would cost one nothing





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