释义 |
惜老怜贫怜贫惜老xī lǎo lián pínhave sympathy for the old and poor ❍ 我们老太太最是~,比不得那个狂三诈四的那些人。(《红楼梦》475) Our old lady is goodness itself to the old and needy. She’s not haughty and high-handed like some people. ❍ 共产党是~的,我姓杜的情愿把几垧毛地,献给农会,这不过是明明我的心,请队长介绍介绍。(周立波《暴风骤雨》184) I understand the Communist Party has sympathy for the old and poor,and I’m willing to contribute a few pieces of land-just to show my good will.I hope you’ll kindly recommend me to the Peasants’Association. |