惊(驚)jīnɡ ❶ (由于突然来的刺激而精神紧张;害怕) start;be frightened: 大 ~ 失色 get such a big scare that colour goes out of one's face;grow alarmed and turn colour; 胆战心 ~ tremble with fear;be terror-stricken;~ 呆了 be stupefied; 爆炸声把全城的人从睡梦中 ~ 醒。 The explosion started the whole population of the town out of their sleep. 我听到那声音不禁大吃一 ~。 I was frightened at the sound. ❷ (惊动) surprise;shock;alarm: 打草 ~ 蛇 beat the grass and frighten away the snake;act rashly and alert the enemy; 一声 ~ 雷 a sudden clap of thunder ❸ (骡马等因害怕而狂跑不受控制) shy;stampede: 大雷雨 ~ 了牛群。 The thunderstorm stampeded the cattle. 马 ~ 了。 The horse shied. ◆惊诧 surprised;amazed;astonished; 惊呆 stupefaction;be stricken dumb with amazement; 惊动 startle;alarm;shock; 惊愕 [书] stunned;stupefied; 惊风 {中医} infantile convulsions; 惊弓之鸟 (to be like) birds startled by the mere twang of a bow-string — a badly frightened person;a bird that starts at the sight of a bow; 惊骇 [书] frightened;panic-stricken; 惊呼 cry out in alarm; 惊慌 alarmed;scared;panic-stricken; 惊惶失措 be thrown into a panic;be frightened out of one's wits [senses];be in a state of panic;be lost in astonishment; 惊魂夺魄 be frightened out of one's wits;be shocked; 惊魂未定 be still suffering from the shock;have hardly recovered from a recent shock;not yet recovered from a fright;still badly shaken; 惊悸 [书] palpitate with fear;pavor; 惊叫 cry in fear;scream; 惊厥 faint from fear;{医} convulsions;eclampsia; 惊恐 alarmed and panicky;terrified;panic-stricken;seized with terror; 惊恐万状 be convulsed with fear;be filled with mortal fear;be greatly paralyzed with fear;be terribly frightened;in a blue funk.; 惊奇 wonder;be surprised;be amazed; 惊人 astonishing;amazing;alarming; 惊人骇世 spring a surprise on people; 惊人消息 an appalling news;an alarming information; 惊人之笔 extraordinary forceful phrase; 惊人之举 a shocking action;an act that frightens people; 惊师动众 alert many people; 惊叹 wonder at;marvel at;exclaim (with admiration); 惊涛骇浪 tempestuous [violent] storm [wave];fierce and frightening storm;frightful billows and terrible waves; 惊天地,泣鬼神 startle the universe and move the gods; 惊天动地 shaking heaven and earth;earthshaking;frighten heaven and move the earth;shake the heaven and startle the earth;world-shaking; 惊悉 be shocked to learn; 惊喜 pleasantly surprised; 惊喜参半 be half frightened and half pleased [glad];惊喜交集 Joy mingled with surprise.;be filled with elation and amazement;have mixed feelings of surprise and joy; 惊吓 frighten;scare;shock; 惊险 alarmingly dangerous;breathtaking;thrilling; 惊心动魄 be struck with fright [horror];breath-taking;hair-raising;heart-stirring;make sb.'s heart leap;profoundly affecting;shake sb. to the core;soul-stirring;take one's breath (away); 惊醒 wake up with a start; 惊醒 be a light sleeper;sleep lightly;easily roused from sleep; 惊讶 surprised;amazed;astonished;astounded; 惊疑不定 be anxious and doubtful; 惊异 surprised;amazed;astonished;astounded; 惊蛰 the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term);Awakening from hibernation; 惊证 {中医} infantile convulsion |