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单词 悲天悯人

悲天悯人bēi tiān mǐn rén

become filled with pessimism; be sanctimonious; bemoan the state of universe and pity the fate of mankind;bewail the times and pity the people; pity (/compassionate feeling) for all mankind; feeling of cosmic pity (/universal compassion); with deep grief and com passion
❍ 在她给余永泽和王晓燕的信中充满了~和郁郁寡欢的情绪。(杨沫《青春之歌》50) Her letters to Yu Yongze and Wang Xiaoyan became filled with pes simism and despair.
❍ 所以他忍着心中怒火,将户部尚书和侍郎们叫到面前,带着~的神气,慢慢说道: …… (姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—785) He suppressed his anger and summoned his minister and vice-ministers of revenue,forcing a benign expression on his face. He spoke slowly:…

悲天悯人bēi tiān mǐn rén

哀叹时世的艰辛,怜悯人民的疾苦。bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind, kind-hearted, universal compassion, benevolent airs





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