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单词 belt
释义 belt /belt; belt/ n 1 adjustable band or strip of cloth, leather, etc worn round the waist or over one shoulder to support or keep in place clothes or weapons, or, like a corset, to support the abdomen: 带子; 布带; 皮带; 腰带; 肩带; 背带; 吊带; 腹带: He ate so much that he had to loosen his ~ f。holes. 他吃得太多, 不得不把腰带放松两个洞。 hit below the give an unfair blow, fight unfairly. 打击对方腰带以下的部份 (按拳击规则系犯规行为); 做不公正的打击; 玩卑鄙手段。 tighten one's ~, → tight. 2 endless strap, used to connect wheels and so drive machinery. (连接机轮以带动机器之) 皮带; 调革。 'fan-belt, in the engine of a car. (汽车引擎内的) 风扇皮带。 3 any wide strip or band, surrounding area, etc. 任何广濶之长条或周围地区等; 地带。 the com'muter belt, residential area outside a large town, eg London, from which people commute to and from work. 通勤地区 (大城市,如伦敦,四周之住宅区,居民每日通勤至大城市上班工作) 。 the 'Cotton (US) area in which cotton is extensively grown. (Itz) 棉花地带 (广泛种植棉花之地区) 。 'green ~, area of grassland, parks, etc, round a town. 绿色地带 (环绕一城市之草地、公园等地区) 。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 15B] fasten with a 以带系住: The officer ~ed his sword on. 那军官用带将剑佩上。 2 [VP6A] thrash with a ~; (colloq) strike with the fist(s): 用皮带打; (俗) 拳打; 殴打; 揍: If you don't shut up, I'll ~ you. 你再不闭嘴,我要龙标。 7 ing n give the boy a good ~ing, thrash him well. 用皮带把那孩子狠打一顿。 3 [VP2C, 3A] ~ along, (colloq) move fast. (俗) 行动迅速。 4 [VP15B] ~ out, (colloq) sing loudly and force-fully: (俗) 大声用方唱: No one can ~ out those old songs like she can. 没有人能像她一样高声唱出那些老歌。 5 [VP2C] l 叩 , (sl) stop talking. (俚) 别讲话。




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