单词 | bell |
释义 | bell /del; bcl/ n 1 hollow vessel of cast metal, usu shaped like a cup, that makes a ringing sound, when struck (usu by a tongue or clapper inside the ~ or, in an electric ~, by a small hammer). 钟; 铃; 电铃。~, book and candle, ecclesiastical curse of excommunication. 钟书烛 (逐出敎门的敎会咒语) 。 as sound as a (fig) in first-rate con-dition. (喻) 处于极佳情况。 ring a (colloq) recall to memory sth half forgotten. (俗) 令人回枪起一件几乎遗忘的事。 2 (naut) time signal in the form of a bell rung from one to eight times every half hour, eg: (航海) 报时钟 (每半小时敲一次,每次敲一至八击): eight ~s, 12, 4 or 8 o'clock; 八击钟 (十二时,四时或八时); four ~s, 2, 6 or 10 o'clock. 四击钟 (二时,六时或十时) 。 3 —boy, —hop n (US) boy or man employed in a hotel to carry luggage, messages, etc. (美) (受雇于旅馆中为旅客搬送行李,送信等的) 男侍者; 服务生。 0 buttons (4) (68). 1 bottomed adj (of trousers) made very wide at the bottom of the leg (eg as worn by some sailors). (指裤子) 补管下部非常宽大的 (如有些水手所穿者); 喇叭形的 o'—bottoms np/ trousers made this way. 茧叭裤。 buoy n buoy with a . ~ that is made to ring by the movement of the waves. (利用波浪的力量击发铃声之) 铃浮标。 '~-flower n any plant of the genus campanula. 山小菜属植物; 吊钟花。' ~, founder n person whose trade is the casting of ~s. 铸钟者。 '~-foundry n place where large ~s (for churches, etc) are cast. 敎堂等所用之巨钟的镜普场。 '~-metal n [U] alloy of copper and tin used for making ~s. 钟铜; 靑铜 (用以镜钟之铜与锡之合金) 。 '~-push n button pressed to ring an electric ~. 电郭之按钮。 '~-ringer n person who rings church ~s. 敎堂之敲钟人。 ' ~- tent n ~-shaped tent. 钟形帐篷。 '~-wether n leading male sheep of a flock, with a ~ on its neck; (fig) ringleader. 颈间系铃以带领羊群之公羊; 铃羊; 带头羊; (喻) (暴乱等之) 首领; 魁首。 以 ~ the cat, (prov) do something dangerous in order to save others (from the fable of the mouse that suggested fastening a ~ round the cat's neck). (谚) 日险救人 (源出伊索寓言 ,老鼠建议在猫颈上系铃的故事) 。 |
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