恻隐之心cè yǐn zhī xīncompassion; sympathy;the feeling of commiseration; the sense of mercy (/pity) ❍ 虽然有时似乎受伤,其实并不,至多不过是假装跛脚,聊以引起人们的~,可以从容避匿罢了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—56) Sometimes it may look hurt,but this is put on; it pretends to limp to enlist sympathy so that it can go into hiding comfortably. ❍ 由是观之,无~,非人也。(《孟子·公孙丑上》)From this case we may perceive that the feeling of commiseration is essential to man. ❍ ~,人皆有之。(《孟子·告子上》)❶The feeling of commiseration belongs to all men. ❷Compassion is common to all men. 恻隐之心cè yǐn zhī xīn恻隐:同情。对不幸的人所产生的同情之心。sense of pity, compassion, sympathy |