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单词 恶作剧

恶作剧è zuò jù

a mad prank; a practical joke;mischievous tricks (/practices); be up to mischief;play pranks; play unkind (/sportive) tricks on sb.
❍ 早在我懂得利用敬事房打人之前,不少太监们吃过我~的苦头。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》79) Long before I learnt how to make the Administrative Bureau beat people many a eunuch came to grief through my practical jokes./……夹着~的将手只是抢,愈抢愈飞速了,那藤便拖泥带水的在地上滚,……(鲁迅《故事新编·补天》7) …as if in sport,she flicked the muddy wistaria faster and faster,till it twitched on the ground……/就如蜻蜓落在~的坏孩子的手里一般,被系着细线,尽情玩弄,虐待,……(鲁迅《彷徨·伤逝》131)But we were like dragonflies that had fallen into the hands of mischievous imps,being tied with threads,played with and tormented at will.
❍ 在宫中唯一能阻止我~行为的,是我的乳母王焦氏。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》80) The only person in the palace who could control my cruelty was my nurse Mrs Wang.


mischief;practical joke;prank
孩子们闹~。The children are up to some mischief;They are playing a practical joke.





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