Ⅰ (很坏的行为;犯罪的事情) evil;vice;wickedness:无 ~ 不作 stop at nothing in doing evil;
罪大 ~ 极 guilty of the most heinous crimes;
作 ~ 多端 commit all sorts of wickedness Ⅱ ❶ (凶恶;凶狠;凶猛) fierce;ferocious:~ 狗 a ferocious [vicious] dog;cur;~ 骂 vicious abuse;
❷ (恶劣;坏) bad;evil;wicked:~ 势力evil force;~ 行 evil [wicked] conduct
另见 see also ě;wū;wù 。
◆恶霸 local tyrant;local despot;bully;
恶报 retribution for evildoing [sin];judg(e)ment;
恶病 a malignant disease;
恶臭 stink;fetor;foetor;cacosmia;stench;foul smell;offensive smell [odor];恶斗 ferocious battle;
恶毒 vicious;malicious;venomous;
恶毒透顶 (It) is venom carried to the extreme!;恶感 ill feeling;malice;bad blood;bad impression;
恶贯满盈 One's crimes are inexpiable.;a full record of crimes and misdeeds;have committed countless crimes and deserve to come to judgment before the court;have committed one's full share of crimes;have sunk in sin with a record full of crimes and misdeeds;One's iniquities are full.;The cup of one's sins was full.;The measure of iniquities is full.;
恶鬼 evil spirit;demon;devil;
恶棍 ruffian;scoundrel;bully;villain;
恶果 evil consequence;disastrous effect;bad result;
恶狠狠 fierce;ferocious;relentless;
恶化 worsen;deteriorate;take a turn for the worse;exacerbate;
恶疾 foul disease;nasty disease;
恶口伤人 say libelous things about sb.;use bad language to insult people;
恶劣 odious;abominable;disgusting;very bad;mean;despicable;
恶龙难斗地头蛇 Even a ferocious dragon will be no match for the snake in its old haunts.;
恶露 {中医} lochia;lyma;
恶眉恶眼 a fierce [ferocious] look;
恶梦 nightmare;frightening dream;horrible dream;paroniria;
恶梦方醒 awoke from one's terrifying dream;
恶苗病 {植} bakanae disease;
恶名 a bad reputation;infamy;
恶名昭著 notorious;distinguished for one's vices;
恶模恶样 a ferocious appearance;a fierce appearance;
恶魔 demon;devil;evil spirit;evil person;
恶念 evil intentions;
恶癖 cacoёthes;bad habit;(用于牲口) vice;
恶人 evil person;vile creature;villain;
恶人当道 The evildoers are now in power.;
恶人先告状 The villain brought suit against his victims;He who first offends will first complain.;The guilty party files the suit first.;The villain sues his victim before he himself is prosecuted.;
恶人自有恶人磨 A wicked person will be harassed [bedeviled] by another of like ilk.;
恶事传千里 It isn't always easy to hush up a scandal.;Ill news runs apace.;Scandal travels fast.;You can't always keep word of a disgraceful story from spreading.;
恶势力 vicious power;pressure groups;
恶徒 rascal;scoundrel;
恶习 bad habit;evil practice;pernicious habit;
恶相 evil or angry countenance;
恶性 malignant;pernicious;vicious;
恶性水肿 {兽医} malignant edema;
恶血 {中医} extravasated blood;
恶言 abusive words;vicious remarks;
恶言泼语 malicious remarks (language);
恶言伤人 use bad language to insult people;make disparaging remarks about others;
恶言相向 fling out hard words;hurl insults at sb.;Insults were hurled back and forth.;
恶眼相向 cast an evil eye on sb.;
恶意 evil [vicious;ill] intentions;ill will;malice;[拉] mala fide;
恶因生恶果 Sin yields bitter fruits.;
恶有恶报 Evil is [will be] rewarded with evil.;sow the wind and reap the whirlwind;evil results of evildoing;One's crows [chickens] will come home to roost.;reap as [what] one has sown;Those who stop at no evil court their own ruin.;Vice will have an evil recompense.;Wickedness does not go altogether unrequited [unpunished].;恶语中伤 viciously slander;calumniate;cast aspersions on sb.;say malicious remark to hurt sb.;speak ill of sb.;use abusive words to hurt others;use bad language to insult people;
恶运 bad luck;ill luck;misfortune;
恶债 odious debts;
恶战 hard fighting;desperate fight;fierce battle;
恶兆 ill omen;bad omen;evil boding;
恶浊 foul;filthy;
恶阻 {中医} vomiting during early pregnancy;pernicious vomiting;
恶作剧 practical joke;prank;mischief;play a prank [rag;trick] on [upon] sb.
[书] Ⅰ (何; 哪里) how; what's there Ⅱ (表示惊讶) Oh; hum; well: ~, 是何言也? Well, what are you talking about?
另见 see also ě; è; wù。
❶ (讨厌; 憎恨) dislike; hate; loathe;disgust: 好 ~ likes and dislikes; 可 ~ loathsome; hateful; 好逸 ~ 劳 love ease and hate work; 深 ~ 痛绝 hate bitterly
❷ [书] (诽谤; 中伤) slander; calumniate; libel
❸ [书] (畏惧) fear; dread
❹ [书] (得罪; 冒犯) offend; displease
❺ [书] (忌讳) avoid as taboo
另见 see also ě; è; wū。
◆ 恶从胆生 A spell of wrath rose from one's heart.; 恶寒 {中医} aversion to cold; 恶恶从短 hate the wicked and point out only the evil which one has done; 恶湿居下 A wicked and damp place stands low.