恫dònɡ [书] ❶ (恐惧) fear;dread ❷ (恐吓) threaten;intimidate ❸ (推动) push forward;promote 另见 see also tōnɡ。 ◆恫痂[矜]在抱 show extreme concern over the people's hardships;be concerned about the hardships of the people;be extremely concerned over [at] the hardships of the people;be solicitous about the needs [life] of the people concerned; 恫吓 threaten;intimidate;frighten;scare; 恫疑虚喝 threaten loudly
恫tōnɡⅠ [书] (病痛) pain Ⅱ [书] (呻吟) groan 另见 see also dònɡ。 |