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(丝数名) zong, a measure unit used in ancient times for silk
另见 see also zǒnɡ。


(总括; 汇集) assemble; gather; put together; sum up: 汇 ~ assemble; collect; gather together; ~ 合 put together; ~ 其成 assume overall command of a project and bring it to completion; ~ 起来说 to sum up; 把两笔帐 ~ 到一块算 settle the two accounts together Ⅱ ❶ (全部的; 全面的) general; overall; main; total; all; whole: ~ 规划 overall planning; ~ 的形势 the whole or general situation; ~ 办事处 the main office; ~ 趋势 general trend; ~ 根源 root cause
❷ (概括全部的; 为首的; 领导的) general; chief; head; prime: ~ 理 prime minister; premier; ~ 书记 general secretary; secretary-general; ~ 编辑 editor in chief; ~ 机构 headoffice Ⅲ ❶ (一直; 一向) al ̄ ways; consistently; invariably: 你晚上 ~ 看电视吗? Do you always watch TV in the evening? 他 ~ 是言行一致的。He consistently matches his words with his action. 他这人 ~ 能找到借口。 He would invariably find some excuses. 真正的爱情 ~ 不是一帆风顺的。 The course of true love never did run smooth.
❷ (毕竟; 总归) anyway; anyhow; after all: 迟做 ~ 比不做的好。 Better late than never. 你今天 ~ 要完成这项工作吧。Anyhow you must finish this work today. 别责怪他, 他 ~ 还是个孩子。Don't blame him. After all, he's only a child. ~ 有一天你会明白的。You will understand it sooner or later.
❸ (大约; 至少) at least: 她 ~ 不会当面对他这样讲吧? At least she wouldn't say this to his face. 他走了 ~ 有一个星期吧。 He's been away for at least a week.
另见 see also zōnɡ。
◆总罢工 general strike; 总编辑 editor in chief; 总部 general headquarters; 总参谋部 the Headquarters of the General Staff; 总参谋长 chief of the general staff; 总产量 full production capacity; gross product; total output; ultimate production; 总产值 total value of out-put; 总成 {机} assembly; 总成本 total cost; 总代理 general agency; 总得 must; have to; be bound to; 总动员 general [total] mobilization; 总督 governor- general; governor; viceroy; 总额 total sum; amount; total; the total amount; gross; footing; 总而言之 to make a long story short; all in all; generally speaking; in a few words; in a word; in brief; in short; on the whole; to sum up; the long and the short of (it); 总分 {体} total points (TP); aggregate score; 总干事 secretary-general; 总纲 superclass; general program; general principles; 总工程师 chief engineer; 总工会 federation of trade unions; 总攻 {军} general offensive; 总功率 aggregate capacity; gross power; total power; ultimate capacity; 总公司 head office; controlling corporation; controlling company; 总共 in all; altogether; in the aggregate; 总管 fore-overman; house steward; over ̄ man; manager; general director; main pipe; 总行 head office; 总和 sum; total; totality; tale; sum total; 总后勤部 the General Logistics Department; 总汇 come or flow together; confluence; concourse; aggregate; syllo ̄ ge; 总机 switchboard; telephone exchange; office equipment; 总计 amount to; add up to; total; totalize; foot up; tote; {数} grand total; gross; final total; major total; summary calculation; 总价 total (price); 总监 inspector general; chief inspector; 总角 [书] a child's hair twisted in knot; childhood总结 sum up; summarize; summary; summing up; 总经济师 chief economic manager; 总经理 president; general manager; 总经销 exclusive distribution; 总开关 main switch; master switch; 总会计师 comptroller; general accountant; treasurer; chief accountant; 总括 sum up; 总揽 assume overall responsibility; take on every ̄ thing; 总理 premier; prime minister; 总量 total; aggregate; inventory; summation; all quantity; 总领事 consul general; 总流程图 general flow-chart; 总论 pan ̄ dect; 总面积 gross area; 总目 superorder; comprehensive table of contents; 总评 general comment; overall appraisal; 总谱 {音} score; 总其成 assume overall responsibility for sth. and bring it to completion; 总热 total heat; 总书记 general secretary; 总署 general administration; 总数 tote; totality; sum; inventory; all number; volume; {数} amount; sum total; 总司令 commander in chief; 总算 at long last; finally; considering everything; all things considered; on the whole; 总体 ensemble; totality; massing; {统} population; overall; total; 总体设计 architectural design; 总体验收 general control reception; 总统 president; 总投资 total investment; gross investment; 总图 master plan; key map; assembly drawing; general drawing; general view; skeleton diagram; 总晰 general crisis; 总务 general affairs; general services; person in charge of general affairs; 总线 highway; bus; trunk; 总心房 atrium commune; 总则 general rules; general principles; general provisions; 总闸门 head gate; master valve [gate]; 总长 cabinet minister; 总帐 ledger; general ledger; 总政治部 the General Political Department; 总支 general branch; 总之 in a word; in short; in brief; all in all; long and short of sth.; 总值 total value; gross value; grand total; 总指挥 commander in chief; general director; 总状花序 raceme; botrus; botry-; botryo-; 总资产 total assets

~罢工general strike /~包合同lump-sum contract/~包价total contract price/~编辑editor-in-chief/~吨位gross (or total,aggregate)tonnage/~供给aggregate supply/~检察长procurator-general;attorney general/~经济师chief economic manager(or engineer)/~经销exclusive distribution/~经销权exclusive distributorship/ ~警监general police commissioner/~会计师chief accountant /~利润total(or gross)profit/~批发商general distributor;first-stage wholesaler/~平均general (or overall) average /~审计长comptroller general /~收益gross earnings;overall yield/~司令部general headquarters/~指数combined(or general,composite)index





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