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Ⅰ ❶ (性格) nature; character; disposition: 本 ~ inherent character; nature; 天 ~ natural instincts; nature
❷ (性能; 性质) property; quality: 酒 ~ alcoholic strength; 药 ~ medicinal properties
❸ (性别) sex: 男[女] ~ the male [female] sex; ~ 冲动 the sexual impulse; ~ 教育 sex education
❹ {语} (名词以及代词、形容词的类别) gender: 阳[阴; 中] ~ the masculine [feminine; neuter] gender
❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 康 Xing Kang Ⅱ [后缀] (表示性质、范围或方式): 必要 ~ necessity; 复杂 ~ complexity; 阶级 ~ class nature [character]; 可能 ~ possibility; 灵活 ~ flexibility; 社会 ~ social nature; 正确 ~ correctness
◆性孢子 spermatium (pl. spermatia); pycniospore; 性本能 eros; sexual [sex] instinct; 性变态 {心} parasexua ̄ lity; 性别 sexual distinction; sex; sexuality; 性病venereal disease (VD); cypridopathy; venerism; burning; 性病学 cypridology; venereology; venerology; 性残善疑 be suspicious and cruel; 性成熟 sexual maturity; 性冲动 sexual drive; sex impulse;
性摧残 carnal abuse; 性道德 sexual morality; sex moral; sex ethics; 性癫狂症 fetishism; fetichism; 性犯罪 crime passio(n)el; sexual crime; 性泛滥 sexploitation; 性感 sexuality; sexy; sex appeal; sexyish; 性刚好斗 be obstinate and fond of fighting; 性刚嗜酒 be a hard man and given to drink; 性高潮 orgasm; climax; 性(爱)革命 sexual revolution; 性功能障碍 sexual dysfunction; 性关系 sexual intercourse; carnal knowledge; sexual relationships; 性激素 {心理} sex hormone; 性急 impatient; short-tempered; hot-tempered; 性交 copulation; sexual intercourse [commerce; relations]; pareunia; coitus; join; futunio; venery; 性教育 sex education; sexual education; 性禁忌 sex taboo; 性静情逸 a quiet and easy disposition; 性凉 cool in nature; cool-natured; 性烈如火 a passion like fierce fire; 性灵 [书] spirit; natural disposition and intelligence; 性论者 sexualist; 性命 life; 性命难保 One's life will be difficult to save.; can hardly keep oneself alive; 性命攸[交]关 a matter of life and death; as much as one's life is worth; of vital importance; It would cost someone his life.; 性能 function (of a machine, etc.); performance; property; nature; {中医} property and action; 性能测试 performance test; 性能稳定 stable performance; 性虐待狂 (性施虐狂) sadism; 性平 {中医} neutral in nature; mild-natured; 性器官 {生理} sexual organs; genitals; 性气 personality; temperament; disposition; 性情 disposition; temperament; temper; 性情变易 paraphronia; 性情乖戾 be sullen in nature; perverse in temperament [disposition]; 性情柔顺 be of a yielding disposition; 性情温和 have a sweet temper; be moderate in temper; (be a person) with [of] a gentle nature; 性染色体 {遗} allosome; heterosome; sex chromosome; 性热 {中医} hot in nature; hot-natured; 性如烈火 have a very violent temper; have a fiery disposition; One's nature is as a fierce fire.; 性骚扰 sexually harass; sexual harassment; sexual disturbance; 性善论 theory of original goodness of human nature; 性卫生 sex hygiene; 性温 {中医} warm in nature; warm-natured; 性相近, 习相远 Men are born about the same, but habits make them differ.; 性心理学 sexual psychology; 性兴奋 heat; 性行为 sex instinct act; sexual behaviour; sexuality erotism; 性学 sexology; 性欲 sexuality; sexual appetite; sexual desire; erotism; libido; nymph-; nympho-; nymphi- ; 性征 sex character; sexuality; 性知识 sexual knowledge; 性质 properties; quality; character; nature; description; fumblingness; quale; -ity; -ty; -ency; -ence; -ness; 性状 shape and properties; properties; character; 性自由 sexual freedom; 性子 temper; strength; potency



nature; property





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