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单词 急中生智

急中生智人急智生jí zhōng shēng zhì

be quick-witted in peril; have a brainwave when in danger; have quick wits in emergency; hit upon a plan in desperation; necessity is the mother of invention; show resourcefulness in an emergency;suddenly hit upon a way out of a predicament; the idea just comes to sb on the spur of the moment
❍ 杨军不顾他的射击,冲到他的身边,在连打两枪无效的时候,突然~,把汤姆枪杆猛地朝敌人胸口一撞,吼叫了一声:“回老家去吧!” (吴强《红日》527) Disregarding his fire,Yang Jun rushed up to him and,after firing a couple of rounds at him without effect,had a sudden flash of inspiration: he jabbed the man hard in the chest with the butt of his tommy-gun and roared: “Die,you swine!”/正在紧张中,忽然~,我用英文连声向他喊道:“No! No! No! ……”(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》527) Inspiration came to me in my despair,and I shouted “No! No! No!” in English.
❍ ~,他也怪叫一声,顺势把枪刺了出去。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》175)Necessity is the mother of invention. Liu also let out a wild yell,and lunged.
❍ 萧吴轩省悟,悔之无及。一时人急智生,…… (《儒林外史》406) It was useless to repent his folly,but in his desperation Xiao hit on a plan.

急中生智ji zhong sheng zhi

suddenly hit upon a way out in a predicament


suddenly hit upon a way out of a predicament; show resourcefulness in an emergency

急中生智jí zhōnɡ shēnɡ zhì

在危急时刻,猛然想出了对付的办法。show resourcefulness in an emergency, be quick-witted in peril, have a sudden flash of inspiration





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