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单词 怒目而视

怒目而视怒目相向nù mù ér shì

beetle browed; fix sb with a furious glare; glare (/stare)at sb angrily (/furiously); glower at; look daggers at; scowl at
❍ 但他终于饶放了,单是~的吐一口唾沫:“呸!” (《鲁迅选集》上—78) But in the end he let him off,simply fixing him with a furious glare,spitting,and exclaiming,“Pah!”/两个由孙传庭派来的谕降使者就怀着这样不同的心理,紧跟在马世耀的背后,穿过两行~,刀剑闪光的牌刀手,来到闯王面前。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—236) So with conflicting emotions the two men followed Ma Shiyao past rows of guards with gleaming weapons who glared at them angrily,until they reached Prince Valiant.
❍ 阿Q照例的发了怒,他~了。(鲁迅《呐喊·阿Q正传》81) Ah Q would rise to the bait as usual,and glare furiously.
❍ 喜儿~,恨的发抖。(《白毛女》61)Xier looks at her angrily trembling with hate.


staring angrily;looking daggers at;glaring(/glowering)at

怒目而视nù mù ér shì

用一双愤怒的眼睛瞪着对方。look at with angry eyes, give black looks, look daggers at sb., glare furiously





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