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单词 怏怏不乐

怏怏不乐yàng yàng bù lè

be gloomy (/dis contented) and vaguely unhappy; in low spirits;moodily;morose
❍ 且说,高衙内引了一班儿闲汉,自见了林冲娘子,又被他冲散了,心中好生着迷,~,回到府中纳闷。(《水浒全传》88) Let us speak now of the young lord Gao. He led away with him the crowd of idle men who followed him,and from this time that he had seen Ling Chong’s wife and had been driven away by Lin Chong,the young lord felt deprived and he felt robbed of his prey,and he could not forget it. He was gloomy and vaguely unhappy and he went home and sat in amuse.

怏怏不乐yànɡ yànɡ bù lè

怏怏:不满意的样子。形容不满意,不高兴。unhappy about sth., moodily, in low spirits, be far from feeling comfortable





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