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单词 念念有词

念念有词niàn niàn yǒu cí

chant (incantations);mumble (some words); mutter (incoherently)
❍ 还有一桌和尚,口中~:“同猪猡普米呀吽!唵呀吽!吽!”这是在放焰口,施饿鬼。(鲁迅《准风月谈》71) …while at separate tables monks chanted incantations: “An-ya hong! Hong!” They were celebrating mass for the dead and feeding the hungry ghosts.
❍ 其次是拜; 其次是哭,凡女人们都~。(鲁迅《彷徨·孤独者》91) People kowtowed; then they wailed,all the women chanting as they wailed./“噢——”算卦先生又翻着白眼珠望了望天,掐着指头,嘴里~地数道着,……(石文驹《战地红缨》7) “Hm,” said the fortune teller. Then,rolling his eyes,he counted on his fingers again and mumbled.
❍ 此时,大木匠正蹲在一条长凳上,伏在桌边,一手握着曲尺柄,一手拿着牛角削成的画线笔,搔着鬓角,聚精会神地望着一张画了一半的图样,口中~: …… (王汶石《风雪之夜》168) The master carpenter,owner of the room,was sitting on a bench by the table with one hand on the compasses and the other round an ox-horn pen. His eyes were fixed on the draft before him and as he scratched his head in concentration he muttered incoherently,…/生宝蹲在冯有万草棚屋的土脚地上,一只手拿着早已灭了火的小烟锅,另一只手的粗硬指头,在石油灯壶照亮的土脚地上划着,嘴里~:“一五得五,五六三十……” (柳青《创业史》216) Shengbao squatted on the dirt floor of Youwan’s thatched cottage. In one hand he held a short pipe that had already gone out.With the thick forefinger of his other hand he scratched figures on the floor in the light of an oil lamp,his lips moving,“Five ones are five,five sixes are thirty.”

念念有词niàn niàn yǒu cí

念念:不停地诵读着。形容嘴里不停地自言自语。mumble, mutter in cantations, chant, in chant





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