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单词 念念不忘

念念不忘niàn niàn bù wàng

always keep in mind;bear in mind constantly; cling to the memory of; lay heart; never forget; treasure up in the memory
❍ 我知道,他~这五条黄金,他就没想到我目前的困难,你告诉他,姐姐,目前不能还他。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—110) I know he can’t get that gold off his mind. But he doesn’t consider the diffculties I’m in at present. Just tell him,Ruifang,that I can’t pay it back at the moment.
❍ 他~福佑药房的黄金时代,……(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—109) He still clung to the memory of the Fu You’s golden age…/大概是太过于~了,连阿长也来问《山海经》是怎么一回事。(《鲁迅选集》上—262) Probably because I Harped on the subject so much,even A Chang started asking what this Book of Hills and Seas was.
❍ 他并且说从前吴坚怎样在急浪中救他,到现在他~,总想报答,了个心愿,…… (高云览《小城春秋》242) He related how Wu Jian had saved him from drowning. He had never forgotten. He had long cherished the wish to repay him.


constantly bear in mind; always remember

念念不忘niàn niàn bù wànɡ

念念:不断地想念着。形容时刻都在想念,不忘记。bear in mind constantly, never forget, keep always in mind, be enthroned in the hearts





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