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单词 念兹在兹

念兹在兹niàn zī zài zī

cherish one’s heart;always think of sth; be ever mindful of sth one is resolved to do/陶迈种德,德乃降,黎民怀之,帝念哉,~。(《尚书·大禹谟》) But there is Gaotao,with vi gorous activity sowing abroad his virtue,which has descended on the black-haired people,till they cherish him in their hearts.
❍ 温恭朝夕,~。(陶渊明《命子》)I hope that you will be kind and reverent all the day.That is what I think of,…/帝念哉,~,释兹在兹,名言兹在兹,见出兹在兹,惟帝念功。(《尚书·大禹谟》)O emperor,think of him! When I think of him,my mind rests on him,as the man for this office;when I would put him out of my thoughts,they still rest on him,when I name and speak of him,my mind rests on him for this; the sincere outgoing of my thoughts about him is that he is the man. O Emperor,think of his merits!/夏书曰: “~。”顺事恕施也。(《左传·襄二十三年》)One of the Books of Xia says,“When you think of anything,be found yourself in that thing.”meaning that one’s conduct should be accordant with right,and his actions on the principle of reciprocity.

念兹在兹nian zi zai zi

bear in mind always

念兹在兹niàn zī zài zī

念:纪念、怀念;兹:这个、此。怀念这个人,在于他有这些功劳。泛指念念不忘某一件事。be ever mindful of sth. one is resolved to do, always think of sth., cherish sb. in one’s heart, dwell on a theme





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