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❶ (看着文字发出声音; 读) read aloud: ~ 得清楚些 read more distinctly; 请再给我 ~ 一遍。 Please read it back to me. 她把那封信 ~ 给我们大家听。 She read out the letter to all of us.
❷ (上学) study; attend school: ~ 书 read; study; 他 ~ 过中学。 He has been to middle school.
❸ (想念; 考虑) think of; miss: 我们老 ~ 着你。 We miss you very much. Ⅱ ❶ (念头) thought; idea: 杂 ~distracting thoughts; 万 ~ 俱灰。 All ambitions are blasted.
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 贤 Nian Xian Ⅲ (“廿”的大写) twenty (used for the numeral 廿 on cheques, etc. to avoid mistakes or alterations)
◆念白 spoken parts of a Chinese opera; 念叨 talk about again and again in recollection or anticipation; be always talking about; talk over; discuss; 念法 pronunciation; 念佛 chant the name of Buddha; pray to Buddha; 念经 recite or chant scriptures; 念经问卜 cast a horoscope and recite the sutra; 念旧 keep old friendships in mind; for old time's sake; 念念不忘 think constantly of ...; be always preoccupied with ...; be kept always in mind and unforgotten; bear in mind constantly; harp on sth.; keep steadily in view; never forget sth. [sb.] for a moment; think on incessantly; 念念有词 muttering incantations; be mum ̄bling some words; 念书 study; read; attend school; 念诵 recite; read aloud; 念头 thought; idea; intention; 念央儿 [方] beat about the bush; 念咒 chant or intone chant; 念珠 beads; rosary;
念兹在兹 be ever mindful of sth. one is resolved to do; Fix your attention on what you are doing.






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