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[书] ❶ (丧失, 失去) lose; be gone
❷ (终止; 断绝) stop; end; break off; cut off
另见 see also wànɡ。
◆忘八 tortoise; [骂] cuckold


❶ (忘记) forget: 遗 ~ forget; 废寝 ~ 食 be forgetful of one's sleep and meals; forget food and sleep; 我们不要好了伤疤 ~ 了痛。 We must not forget the pain when the wound has healed. 我永远也 ~ 不了你对我的好处。 I shall always remember your kindness to me. 饮水不 ~ 掘井人。 When you drink the water, think of those who dug the well.
❷ (疏忽; 漏做) overlook; neglect: 别 ~ 了代我向他们问好。 Don't forget to give my regards to them. 唉呀! 旅行袋 ~ 了拿了。 Oh dear! The travelling bag has been left behind. 走的时候别 ~ 了锁门。 Don't neglect locking [to lock] the door when you leave.
另见 see also wánɡ。
◆忘本 forget one's class origin; forget one's past suffering; 忘本之人 one who forgets the original source — ungrateful; 忘掉 forget; let slip from one's mind; 忘恩 be ungrateful; be devoid of gratitude; 忘恩负义 devoid of gratitude; be ungrateful and act contrary to justice; be ungrateful and leave one's benefactor in the lurch; be ungrateful and treacherous; be ungrateful to kindness; forget a favour done or good deed performed; forget sb.'s kindness and turn one's back upon him in return; have no sense of gratitude and justice; kick out someone after his services — no longer needed; show ingratitude for favours [kindnesses] received; show no sense of gratitude; throw over those who helped one; turn one's back on righteousness and forget kindness; turn on one's friend; ungrateful; ungrateful to sb. for favors bestowed; 忘乎所以 forget oneself; become delirious with joy; forget everything in one's joy; get a swelled head; (They) grow so swellheaded and conceited that (they) simply forget themselves.; have one's head in the clouds; lose all bearings in moment of pride and satisfaction; make sb. swellheaded; one's head has been turned (by ...); turn one's head; 忘怀 forget; dismiss from one's mind; 忘记 forget; slip from one's memory; forget; overlook; neglect; dismiss from one's mind; 忘旧 forget old friends and relatives; 忘年交 friendship between generations; good friends despite great difference in age; 忘年之交 friendship between old and young people; (become) the best of friends in spite of the difference of age; 忘情 be unruffled by emotion; be unmoved; be indifferent; let oneself go; 忘却 forget; oblivion; 忘人大恩, 记人小过 always forget meritorious deeds, and never overlook a minor fault; 忘我 oblivious of oneself; selfless; 忘形 be beside oneself (with glee, etc.); be carried away; have one's head turned; 忘形之交 spiritual friendship between a noble and a commoner; be hand and glove with each other; 忘性 forgetfulness; 忘忧树 lotus tree; 忘忧药 nepenthe





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