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单词 志大才疏

志大才疏zhì dà cái shū

ambitious but incom petent; aspire more than one can achieve; have great ambition but little talent; have high aspirations but little ability; one’s ability falling short of one’s aspiration
❍ 所以我劝这些同志先办“少许”,再去办“化”,不然,仍旧脱离不了教条主义和党八股,这叫做眼高手低,~,没有结果的。(《毛泽东选集》798) I would therefore advise these comrades to begin by making just a little change before they go on to “transform”,or else they will remain entangled in dogmatism and stereotyped Party writing. This can be described as having grandiose aims but puny abilities,great ambition but little talent,and it will accomplish nothing.
❍ 伯仁为人. 志大而才短,名重而识暗,好乘人之弊,此非自全之道。(刘义庆《世说新语·识鉴》) As far as your firstborn,Zhou Yi,is concerned,as a person his ambition in great but his ability is in short supply.His reputation is weighty but his insight is dim,and he’s fond of taking advantage of other people’s weakness. This is no way to preserve himself.


have great ambitions but little talent;be highly ambitious but mediocre in ability

志大才疏zhì dà cái shū

疏:浅薄。志向虽然远大,但才能浅薄。形容人的志向和才能不一致。have high aspirations but little ability, ambitious and incompetent, hitch one’s waggon to a star, have great ambition but little talent





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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:32:37