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单词 志士仁人

志士仁人zhì shì rén rén

a man fighting for a principle;people with great (/high/lofty) ideals
❍ 在他自己,从上面树叶滴下来的水点着在衣服上,头顶上,面颊上,甚至睫毛上,湿同凉的感觉使他发生~甘冒苦难的一种心情; ……(叶圣陶《倪焕之》272) As for himself,the drops of water dripping down from the leaves of the trees overhead slashed on to his clothes,the top of his head,his cheeks,even his eyelashes,and the sensations of wet and cold put him in the frame of mind of a man fighting for a principle,who suffers hardship willingly.
❍ 我们还需要有一批党外的~,他们能够按照社会主义,共产主义的方向,同我们一起来为改革和建设我们的社会而无所畏惧地奋斗。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—411)We need a good number of non-Party poeple with high ideals who will keep to the socialist and communist orientation and fight dauntlessly with us to transform and construct our society.
❍ ~,无求生以害仁。(《论语·卫灵公》)The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to live at the expense of injuring their virtue.


people actuated by high ideals;person with high aspirations;high-minded people
更好地同党外的一切立志改革的~共同工作work better together with all non-Party people who are actuated by high idals and determined to institute reforms

志士仁人zhì shì rén rén

原指有高尚志向和道德的人。现泛指爱国的进步人士。people with lofty ideals, upright and principled people, kind and upright people





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