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单词 忐忑不安

忐忑不安tǎn tè bù ān

be filled with misgivings;be in a fidget (/nervous state;/turmoil); be on nettles (/edge); be thrown into (/put into) a flutter; feel ill at ease; feel uneasy (/restless);fret and fume.
❍ 只见冷清的小巷里黑忽忽的,没有人影,这才放下了心。她下了车又故意弯了几条小胡同,这才怀着~的心回到公寓里来。(杨沫《青春之歌》186) Reassured,on seeing that the dark road was deserted,she alighted and made a detour back to their lodgings,her heart filled with misgivings
❍ 现在他虽然笑着给冈村斟着酒,可是心里却一直~。(知侠《铁道游击队》294)While he smilingly served Okamura with wine,his mind was in a turmoil.
❍ 一种激越的青春的热情奔流在他的全身,他感到了一种从未有过的~。(杨沫《青春之歌》519) The hot blood of youth was racing in his veins—he was tortured by indecision.
❍ 徐总经理~。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—544) Xu Yide was unsettled and uneasy.
❍ 加上他竟这么熟练地替她一做,她就更加觉得~了。(杨沫《青春之歌》 117) Lu Jiachuan’s deft help increased her embarrassment.
❍ 丁夫人一直心中~,偷偷观看皇后的脸上神色,等待着单独同皇后说几句要紧体己话的机会。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—758) The countess,however,felt ill at ease and scrutinized her daughter’s expression,trying to find an opportunity to discuss more urgent,intimate subjects privately.
❍ 王晓燕在北大女生宿舍整洁的小房间里~地转来转去。(杨沫《青春之歌》421) In her tidy little room in the Beijing University girls’hostel,Wang Xiaoyan was pacing nervously up and down.
❍ 最后他十分苦闷地摇着头,转眼看着吴为成他们两个。这两位的脸上微露出~的样子。(茅盾《子夜》437) He shook his head wearily andturned to the two young men,who were beginning to show signs of nervousness


uneasy; fidgety; mentally upset; feel apprehensive (or restless)

忐忑不安tǎn tè bù ān

忐忑:心神不定。形容心神非常不安。uneasy, in a nervous state, get the wind up, in fear and trembling, be in a flutter





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