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单词 忍气吞声

忍气吞声rěn qì tūn shēng

accept the taunts meekly; eat dirt (/crow/one’s leek/one’s humble pie); endure uncomplainingly (/in silence/without protest); repress (/restrain/contain/choke back)one’s anger (and keep silent); restrain (/stiffle)one’s indignation; swallow an insult (/the bitter cup); submit to humiliation; take insults lying down;pocket one’s pride and endure in silence
❍ 那赵姨娘只得~,也上去帮他们替宝玉收拾。(《红楼梦》290) Now that Jia Huan had made such trouble,she had no alternative but to accept these taunts meekly and show concern for Baoyu.
❍ 大太太见林宛芝那样~,一个劲向自己赔小心,她准备好的愤怒的拳头打不下去; …… (周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—470) When the first wife saw how carefully subdued Lin Wanzhi had become and how carefully she was avoiding offending her,she realized that it was going to be difficult to let loose her indignation upon her. …/和这群吃人不吐骨头的家伙打交道,只有~,逆来顺受。(冯志《敌后武工队》448)When meeting this band of vicious cutthroats,one could only choke back all anger.
❍ 他只得~,扳住狭窄的田塍的路面,用劲往上爬,好不容易,爬上了田塍,……(周立波《山乡巨变》247) So,containing his anger,and firmly gripping the surface of the narrow path above,he exerted all his strength,and managed with great difficulty to climb up.
❍ 卢俊义~,只得走动行出东门。(《水浒全传》783) So Lu Junyi could but keep down his anger whatever they said and he could but set forth upon the journey.
❍ 一字不识的黑旋风李逵敢在江州劫法场,可我呢?只能站在大家后头~,袖手旁观。(田汉《关汉卿》15) “Black Whirlwind”Li Kui who was an illiterate had the courage to raid the execution ground at Jiangzhou. And I? All I can do is to stand behind the crowd with folded arms and look on restraining my indignation.
❍ 酒保~,拿了酒去柜边道:“娘子,胡乱再换些好的与他,休和他一般见识。(《水浒全传》356) The waiter smothered his rising anger,and went to the counter and said to the girl,“Please change this wine again and don’t be captious with him.”/对强者它是弱者,但对弱者它却还是强者,所以有时虽然吞声忍气,有时自可以耀武扬威。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—150)Weak in the face of the strong,it seems strong enough to those weaker than itself; so although sometimes it has to suffer in silence,at others it still shows its might.
❍ 那些人见了如此,纵要复办,亦不敢办,只得~罢了。(《红楼梦》549)When the dead woman’s family knew this,they dared make no further move but simply had to swallow their resentment.
❍ 唉! 为了几口人吃饭,我在这里~的干,要是没有家我早也远走高飞了。(知侠《铁道游击队》445) I have to swallow this bitter cup. Had it not been for my family,I’d have gone away long ago.


swallowing an insult;submitting to humiliation


swallow rude remarks;submit to humiliation;eat dirt

忍气吞声rěn qì tūn shēnɡ

忍气:指受了气勉强忍耐住;吞声:不敢出声。swallow an insult, take sth. lying down, be held down, pocket an insult, eat humble pie, eat one’s leek, eat dirt, eat crow





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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:32:26