释义 |
忌jì ❶ (忌妒 ) be jealous of;envy: 猜 ~ be suspicious and jealous of;~ 才 be jealous of other people's talent;resent people more able than oneself ❷ (怕;顾忌) fear;dread;scruple: 横行无 ~ ride roughshod;run amuck ❸ (认为不适宜而避免;忌讳) avoid;shun;abstain from: ~ 生冷 avoid cold and uncooked food; 婴儿 ~ 服 not to be taken by babies; 研究问题,~ 带主观性、片面性和表面性。 In studying a problem,we must shun subjectivity,one-sidedness and superficiality. ❹ (戒除) quit;give up: ~ 酒 give up alcohol;abstain from wine;~ 烟 quit smoking ◆忌辰[日] the anniversary of the death of a parent,ancestor,or anyone else held in esteem; 忌惮 dread;fear;scruple; 忌妒 be jealous of;envy; 忌讳 taboo;avoid as taboo;avoid as harmful;abstain from; 忌刻[克] jealous and mean;jealous and malicious; 忌口[嘴] avoid certain food (as when one is ill);be on a diet; 忌食减瘦疗法 banting;bantingism |