必bìⅠ (必定;必然) be certain to;certainly;necessarily;surely: ~ 死无疑 be certain to die; 未 ~ can not be sure; 战则 ~ 胜 surely win the battle if fighting; 骄兵 ~ 败。 An army swollen with pride is bound to lose. Ⅱ (必须;一定要) have to;must: ~ 备 must prepare for;~ 有缘故 must have some reasons; 事 ~ 躬亲 attend to everything personally;~ 读书目 a list of required readings Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 赞 Bi Zan ◆必备条件 essential condition; 必不得已 have no choice but to;be under the necessity of;could not but; 必不可免 no two ways about it;unavoidable; 必不可少 indispensable;absolutely necessary;essential; 必操胜券 have the game in one's hands; 必传之作 a writing which is surely inherited to ages;a masterpiece;work destined to go down to posterity; 必定 be bound to;be sure to;certainly;undoubtedly; 必恭必敬 reverent and respectful;displaying full courtesy;showing great politeness;extremely deferential;in a most respectful attitude;in humble reverence;reverent and respectful;showing great respect;with the utmost deference (to ...); 必将 will certainly;surely will; 必居其一 It must be one or the other.; 必然 inevitable;certain;necessarily;{哲} necessity; 必然之事 matter of necessity;what is bound to happen; 必胜 will most certainly win;cannot fail or be defeated; 必修课[科目] required course;obligatory course;compulsory course [subject];必需 essential;indispensable;vitally need; 必须 must;have to;be obliged to ;necessary; 必要 requisite;necessary;certainly need;essential;indispensable; 必由之路 the route one must take;the only route which must be passed;the only road;the inevitable course;the road one must get through; 必争之地 a hotly contested spot;a place of strategic importance |