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单词 心花怒放

心花怒放xīn huā nù fàng

beam(/burst)with joy; be beside oneself with joy; be elated (/overjoyed); be (/go) wild with joy;be highly delighted (/exhilarated/jubilant/joyous); be pleased with oneself;cheer (/delight/gladden/rejoice/warm) the cockles of heart
❍ 这一声却把韩芒种叫得~了。他心里说:“只要你还有这点性子,我就有个办法了。”(李准《不能走那条路》74)Beaming with joy,Han Mangzhong thought to himself,“As long as you have a bit of spirit left,I can do something with you.”/若飞同志看到报纸,~。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》97) When he saw the newspapers,Wang was overjoyed./〔我〕简直乐得~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》336) I went wild with joy,…/当时山城的群众奔走相告,~,…… (《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—56) The elated people in Chongqing eagerly passed on the news from mouth to mouth.…/ “真的?!”王振华~地、不敢相信地又问了一遍。(杨佩瑾《剑》20)“Is that true?” asked Wang,exhilarated,hardly believing his own ears.
❍ 美军顾问的夸奖,使李承义~。一路上那种焦虑和忐忑不安的心情一扫而空。(杨佩瑾《剑》167) The American adviser’s appreciation filled Li with delight,despelling all the vexation and apprehensions that had been irritating him so much a moment before.
❍ 但再前行了十多步,他即刻~了,远远地望见一间土屋外面的平地上,的确停着一匹飞禽,一步一啄,象是很大的鸽子。(鲁迅《故事新编·奔月》21) A dozen paces further on,however,and his heart leaped with joy. On the flat ground outside a mud hut in the distance there was actually a fowl. Stopping to peak at every step,it looked like a large pigeon.


bursting(/be wild) with joy;elated


burst with joy;be ecstatic;be elated;be overjoyed

心花怒放xīn huā nù fànɡ

怒放:盛开。形容心里十分高兴。burst with joy, highly delighted, be elated





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