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单词 心甘情愿

心甘情愿甘心情愿xīn gān qíng yuàn

all willingness; be most willing to; be of one’s free will;be perfectly happy; cheerfully and readily;content oneself with; of one’s own accord; willingly and gladly; with a good grace; with all one’s heart; with one’s heart and soul
❍ 象那样的预备队,落后分子,叫我当一辈子我也~!(吴强《红日》385) I’d be perfectly happy if I had to be that kind of a reserve unit or backward element all my life!/我只要和她说一句话,或者跪在她面前受她一吻,那么我纵然堕入万劫不复的地狱,也是~。(巴金《春天里的秋天》) All I want is to say one word to her or to kneel down before her to be kissed,then I would sink happily into the nether world.
❍ 干脆一句话:这样的人把帐算错了,我也~。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》79) Even if he got the accounts wrong at times,I wouldn’t mind.
❍ 就是再累一点,再加点工作,就是累死我,我也~的。(《曹禺选集·日出》199) I’ll do anything,willingly,even if it means extra work,extra tiredness,even if I have to work myself to death.


be most willing to;do sth gladly;be perfectly happy to
他的夫人是个大名鼎鼎的电影明星,在社交场合他~当夫人的陪衬。His wife is a famous film star.At social gatherings he gladly serves as a foil for her./~当人民的勤务员be a willing servant of the people/~地当二把手be perfectly happy to be a second-in-command/~做别人的奴隶be most willing to serve as a slave to others

心甘情愿xīn ɡān qínɡ yuàn

形容自觉自愿,一点也不勉强。be most willing to, cheerfully and readily, of one’s free will, be perfeetly happy to





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