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单词 心灰意冷

心灰意冷xīn huī yì lěng

be dismayed(/dis hearted/downhearted/dispirited); feel despondent;feel very depressed; take all the heart out of sb; very much discouraged
❍ 他们坐在荒草地上听着,脸上显出一种恍恍惚惚很不确实的笑容,会使任何有自信的宣传家~。(柳青《创业史》423) As they sat on the grass,the fleeting smiles on their faces were enough to dismay any confident propagandist.
❍ 他已~了,但刘月轩提议他最好和老孙头谈谈。(草明《原动力》77) His enthusiasm had already cooled when Liu Yuexuan suggested that he ought to have a talk with Old Sun.
❍ 想起这些,想起他的相当标致的堂客,会要离开他,他不由得~,打算缩脚了。(周立波《山乡巨变》52) As he thought about all these things,and about the possibility that his good-looking wife might leave him,he felt despondent and inclined to draw back.
❍ 整整这一天,菊咬~,不想做功夫,拿根旱烟袋,提只烘笼子,坐在阶矶上面晒太阳。(周立波《山乡巨变》92) He felt very depressed the whole day and didn’t feel like working.He took his pipe and a brazier and sat on the step in the sun.
❍ 这个可怕的发现,使得他~,手也瘫软了,好大一阵,没有作声。(周立波《山乡巨变》83) This fearful discovery took all the heart out of him and the strength went from his hands; he said nothing for some time.


broken(/bad/low) spirit





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