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单词 心潮澎湃

心潮澎湃xīn cháo pēng pài

a million thoughts crowd through one’s brain; feel an upsurge (/a great tumult/a turbulence) of emotions;one’s mind is excited and fulttered
❍ 我们~,豪情满怀,对夺取新的胜利,更加充满信心。We are full of turbulent emotionand intense pride and are all the more confident ofwinning new victories.
❍ 我们这些多次受到周总理接见的归国华侨,无论是鬓发斑白的老人还是青壮年同志,提起周总理的许多感人事迹,无不~,热泪盈眶,往往禁不住啜泣起来。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—234)We the returned overseas Chinese,who have beenreceived many times by Premier Zhou,can relatemany moving stories about his deeds.No matterwho,from white-haired old men to healthyyoungsters,our hearts are pained and tears fill oureyes whenever we think of him.

心潮澎湃xīn cháo pénɡ pài

澎湃:波涛冲击的声音。心情十分激动,就像波涛冲击一样。feel an upsurge of emotion, full of excitement, One’s thoughts surged like the tide.





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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:41:19