释义 |
心服口服xīn fú kǒu fúbe sincerely(/utterly)convinced; submit willingly ❍ 要是你一时想不通,他就找个故事来‘将’你一‘军’,想方设法,批评得你~。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》376) If you still can’t see it,hefinds a story or some other way to straighten you out.When he criticizes you,you’re sincerely convined. ❍ 如今请出一个管得着的人来管一管,嫂子就~,也知道规矩了。(《红楼梦》 759) We’d better ask someone who can cope to come and deal with this. That’s the only way to convince her and teach her manners. ❍ 在这一帮人中,大夥对老虎~。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》82) In the whole group the most respected man was Tiger Wang. ❍ 我觉得我老二说的条条有理,听的~。(马烽《我的第一个上级》) All this made such good sense that I was won round completely. 心服口服be wholly convinced 心服口服xīn fú kǒu fú不但口头服气,心里也服气。be sincerely convinced, submit willingly |