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单词 心旷神怡

心旷神怡xīn kuàng shén yí

carefree and joyous;(completely) relaxed and happy; elated and blessed;free of mind and happy of heart; in a blissful spirit;in a gleeful mood; in a cheerful frame of mind; feel refreshed
❍ 我痛痛快快地吃了一餐别有风味的日本饭菜,在窗口眺望了一会这个风景区的景色就~地睡觉去了。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》292) I happily ate an exotic Japanese supper and gazed out of the window at the beautiful sunset,and then went to bed,at peace with the world.
❍ 沿途是一大片绿油油的禾稻,农民们又高吭又响亮的歌声,很可以使人~,然而坐在轿子里的季交恕,却另外有一种相反的感觉。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—94) The fresh rice sprouts like a sea of endless green waves bathed in warm sunshine and the ringing voices of the peasants’ singing in the field enlivened the hearts of many travellers on the road. But Jiaoshu,sitting in his sedan-chair passing through the countryside,was stirred by entirely different emo tions.
❍ 微微的凉风,吹得他们这两位~,快将入梦了。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—153) With a soft breeze blowing in on them,they felt very nice and com fortable where they lay so that their eyes quickly closed.
❍ 刹那间的~都逃走了,……(茅盾《子夜》309)His momentary optimism and elation had deserted him now.
❍ 正值风清气爽之时,那乐声穿林度水而来,自然使人神怡心旷。(《红楼梦》502) The breeze was light,the air clear,and this music coming through the trees and across the water refreshed and gladdened their hearts.


relaxed and happy;carefree and joyous


relaxed and happy;carefree and joyous;refreshed in mind and heart

心旷神怡xīn kuànɡ shén yí

旷:开朗;怡:愉快。心情开朗,精神愉快。relaxed and happy, have one’s mind at ease, be free of mind and happy of heart





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