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单词 心惊胆战

心惊胆战心惊胆颤xīn jīng dǎn zhàn

heart startling and gallblade trembling-be terrified (/panic-stricken); shake (shudder) with fright;tremble (/quake) with fear (/terror)
❍ 其实呢,现在的人们大可以不必看古书,即使古书里真有好东西,也可以用白话来译出的,用不着那么~。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—16)The fact is,we of this generation had much better not read the classics.There is no need to be alarmed if the classics really contain anything of value, they can be translated into the vernacular.
❍ 要是她把内部秘密全揭出来,那还不知要怎么样的~。(高云览《小城春秋》229) Could she have seen it all,who knows how terrified she might have been.
❍ 这样的大水,不要说凫,就是看着也叫人心惊胆颤哪! (竣青《黎明的河边》145)Even the best swimmer,which I was not,would feel qualms today,looking at the river.
❍ 大雨使他们常常睁不开眼,闪电和雷声又弄得他们~,生怕象刚才那样,突然遇到志愿军的炮火袭击。(杨佩瑾《剑》31) They were unable to open their eyes wide in the heavy rain,and the peals of thunder and vivid flashes of lightning filled them with fear.
❍ 那老牛~,……望上便走。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》138) The Ox Monster lost his nerve completely…and started up the sky.
❍ 我……正闹得~,愁容满面的罗振玉出现了。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》181)My alarm became even worse when Luo Zhenyu came in with a grim expression on his face.
❍ 张郃、徐晃~,不敢迎战。云救出黄忠,且退且战;无人敢阻。(《三国演义》620) Panic seized Zhang He and Xu Huang,so that they dared not stand in his way,and thus Zhao Yun fought his way through and rescued his fellow warrior.
❍ 唐僧道:“阿弥陀佛!那东西一见,我就~,还敢偷吃他哩!…” (《西游记》334) “Amitabha Buddha!” exclaimed the Tang monk,“I only had to take one look at that thing and I trembled all over!You think I would dare to eat it.…”/片纸飞来无人见,三更传去加刑典,教俺~。(孔尚任《桃花扇·会狱》180)Because of a secret scrap of paper,they are taken in the dead of night to be beheaded. My heart fails me;I am trembling to the marrow.


tremble with fear;shake with fright;be panic-stricken

心惊胆战xīn jīnɡ dǎn zhàn

战:发抖。形容惊慌害怕到了极点。be all of a jump, shake with fright, tremble with terror, be deeply alarmed





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